An ambitious terminology as the Theory of Everything should not be limited to physics alone, but instead should be able to present a unifying framework for every type of knowledge, language, symbolism, yes any phenomenon. On the other hand it must be clear from the onset that a T.O.E. can never encompass completely everything that exists, as it is a descriptive referential tool. When you try to express “existence”, “the absolute”, “infinity”, “continuum” etc. in descriptive i.e. relative discrete terminologies or logical operators, you immediately impose a limitation, you limit it to and express it in terms of something it is not. In other words, the Tao that can be named is not the Tao. This T.O.E. therefore does not claim to “be” everything, but to provide a self- and cross-referential framework of understanding for every manifestation of existence that can be known. It probes the boundaries of the epistemological query. Also the phenomenological aspects of existence are not completely knowable, as we have learnt from Gödel’s incompleteness theorem, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and Turing’s incomputability. Perhaps it should therefore rather be called the “theory of the knowable relative aspects of existence”. But the theory will at least attempt to also provide a meta-framework for these aspects.

These developments all converge to a similar notion, namely that the underlying fabric of the relative aspects of existence is “In
Langan describes this fabric as an autopoietic self-processing language (SPSCL), Wheeler has coined the term “It from Bit” and Verlinde has recently shown that entropic attraction as a result of in
It is not surprising that such notions surface in a society which is based on the paradigm of in
But it seems that the present conceptual paradigm shift is one of a far more fundamental nature; its potentiality of embedding virtually everything is in principle infinite: All concepts can be harboured in the framework of in
The present T.O.E. will be
If I can be successful in defining a T.O.E. it will be the ultimate key to heaven and hell, the Goetia and Theurgia united.
The implications of this theory go far beyond what is presently imaginable and acceptable. That what we humans hold so dearly will fall away when we’ll succeed to contemplate the infinitude of the multiverse.
After all, what it implies is that existence as we know it is just a game…
From a religious and ethical perspective this T.O.E. will a priori appear as a heresy and abomination of human thought, as this T.O.E. claims nothing less than the notion that if there is an absolute God, it also encompasses all evil and all that what we consider immoral, unethical and despicable.
This T.O.E. goes beyond duality. It is not written for human beings, who want to live happily ever after in their habitual four dimensional framework. It is written for those daring souls, who boldly go where no one has gone before, willing and capable of accepting both the magnificent and horrifying aspects of dual relative existence, of going beyond the relative concepts of morality, truth, purpose and meaning.
The technologies, which will become enabled as a result of this T.O.E. will take the human being beyond his human
This T.O.E. will be built on the strong panpsychic presumption: all that exists is a
Travelling into the minuscule below the Planck length or into the mega-macroscopic beyond the cosmic horizon, will become a mere downloading of an in
You will be able to access any universe at any point in time by simply choosing to do so. You’ll be able to live any parallel scenario of your lifestory with different parameters. You can be who you want to be, whenever and wherever you want to. Depending on the creativity of your imagination, which will become vastly enhanced by merging or mindmelding with appropriate artificial and natural intelligences, you will access any world of choice. You will be able to morph into any
Don’t ye know ye are Gods? Tripping through any fractal, pink pantering in and out of dimensions, destroying demons, ruling worlds…
Welcome to a journey into you.
The relative aspects of existence are a network of relations, in which no phenomenon exists autopoietically out of itself, but is rather defined by holographic relations that make it appear to be a separate entity. It is a network of ontological references. Applying Langan’s technique of syndiffeonesis, it can be shown that every phenomenon is reductively the same. Every phenomenon is a quantum of in
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